Week Seven of winter term is full of activities for Duck TV. This week Duck TV is having a fundraiser hosted by Yogurt Extreme, as well as our weekly screening in Allen Hall where you can watch new episodes of News, Sports, and the creative shows Special Delivery and Social Skills.
On Thursday, February 20th, Yogurt Extreme on 13th Avenue is hosting a fundraiser for Duck TV. All you need to do is either bring in a flyer or show it to the cashier on your phone, enjoy some fro-yo and Duck TV will receive 25% of the proceeds. Flyers will be passed out by Duck TV members and can also be found attached to this article. This is a great opportunity for students on campus to support their campus television network.
On the previous episode of Social Skills, we met Mitch and James, friends who have completely opposite personalities. While Mitch is good with people and believes he knows everything, James is an introvert who is lacking in social skills. The show opens with Mitch and James discussing how coffee cups are the “catalyst of cute”. Then they run into two guys who know Mitch, but when introduced to James, James over complicates a simple handshake. Mitch then decides he is going to teach James some social skills with the help of their friend Lily who is introduced at the end of the episode.
In the first scene of Special Delivery, the audience is introduced to Cedric, the pizza man, who the show follows as he travels to different houses in Eugene. Someone dressed as a rat answers the door and is mistakenly under the impression that Cedric is a famous singer, Tom Petty. Cedric follows the rat inside the house and is given a slice of cheese instead of payment for the pizza he has delivered. Cedric then listens to the experiences of the lab rat family before they ask him to perform for them and he storms out.
Join Duck TV this week Wednesday in Allen 221 at 8pm to catch the second episodes of both Social Skills and Special Delivery. And don’t forget to swing by Yogurt Extreme on Thursday!
By Erin Coates