Link’d Racks Up Another Force Award

Link’d took its third Force Award this week and is looking in prime position to make the second ever season-long sweep in Duck TV history.

The show hit a dramatic high this week in a gut-wrenching episode that demonstrated the potentially ominous effects of Than’s invention. Vina, facing enormous pressure from her anti-technology girlfriend Naara to do something about her brother, finds herself faced with the eerie effect spurred by the Link’d pill. She drags an apparently-unconscious Ajax home only to find Naara has kidnapped Than—and her intentions seem anything but benign.

Link’d has been a runaway success from the start. Co-producer Anna Connelly said of the show’s success: “I don’t want to say that we anticipated it, but when we decided to do the show, we all agreed that we were going to give it our all. We believed in our message and knew we had the resources to bring something special…”

The dynamic of the crew is no small contributing factor to Link’d’s ability to connect with its audience every week. The members are close and cooperation results from a dedication to a quality production. “We are able to be brutally honest when need be and know that, in the end, we all still love each other. I think that attitude towards our product is why we have been so successful,” Connelly disclosed.

The last episode ran into some unexpected roadblocks; production of this episode went much smoother. While the “Episode from Hell,” as the crew affectionately calls it, was heavy with information about the characters and the story, the most recent episode focused more on the visual aspect of the show, by including less dialogue and more silent shots where imagery offers the greatest amount of content. The effect was no less impactful; the soaring soundtrack and striking shots were more than enough to leave a silent room at the screening. Filming was apparently a much quicker process as well: “We filmed in three days and got a weekend off!” Connelly reported.

Link’d will compete for its fourth Force Award during Week 10.

By Kaylee Tornay

Spring Show Pitches

With the end of the term fast approaching, the time for Show Pitches has rolled around once again.

Duck TV is looking for motivated students who have ideas for possible creative shows. On Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 10, the Executive Producers of Duck TV will hold open interviews with potential writers and producers. With every show pitch, they are looking for clear, coherent story ideas, an idea of the show structure, and a list of resources needed to make the show happen (actors, equipment, crew members, etc.). A rough draft of at least one episode is preferred, but not necessary.

Typically, creative shows are made up of four 5-7 minute episodes. In the past, students have produced comedies, sitcoms, dramas, music shows, and the list goes on. Shows produced on Duck TV air at weekly Duck TV screenings, as well as every Wednesday on the local public access network, Channel 23.

Whether it is your dream to produce your own television show or you simply think you have a great idea for one, come to Duck TV Spring Show Pitches Tuesday, March 11th and Wednesday, March 12th from 5-7PM in Allen Hall 332.