Preston Hiefield


I enjoy Duck TV Sports because I’m able to work with a group of people who are
all passionate about sports every week. Working together as a team to create the
best product possible is a fun challenge.

Lexi Sloan

IMG_4139Actress – (Sara “Bell” Bellamini)

Hometown: Westlake Village, CA

Major: Pre-Journalism

How you got involved with Duck TV: I was lost on my way to class and found a poster for auditions.

Hobbies: Acting, baking, finding good Acapella covers and singing along, and
watching movies with friends

Favorite thing about The Lab: The Lab is really fun because it is a serious show, but
the second the camera is off, everyone is laughing and gets along great!

Favorite line from the show: Probably “I don’t remember saying we’re friends”

Favorite part about Duck TV: Favorite thing about It gives me something to do with
my time besides just going to class and I have met some really cool people that I can
talk to and see around campus.