Oregon Under NCAA Scrutiny

Recent reports from The Oregonian and KATU News in Portland, among other media entities, have released information regarding the NCAA’s current investigation into the recruiting practices of the Oregon football program.

You can read Adam Jude’s story for The Oregonian here: http://www.oregonlive.com/ducks/index.ssf/2013/04/oregon_ncaa_agreed_ducks_commi.html

According to the documents granted to the Oregonian and KATU, the NCAA said they had “no finding of lack of institutional control and no finding of unethical conduct.” Even so, both Oregon and the NCAA disagree on one very large elephant in the room: the use of street agent and scout Willie Lyles. The two parties will meet at an unspecified date sometime within the next year to discuss punishments for the Oregon football program’s wrongdoings.

DuckTV Sports’ Erin Maloney caught up with head coach Mark Helfrich and quarterback Marcus Mariota to get their thoughts on the investigation.

For an even more thorough explanation of Oregon’s status with the NCAA, check out this week’s episode of DuckTV Sports.

#OhSkit is At It Again


Producer Jared Breedlove gives the inside scoop on his sketch comedy show

By: Shelby Dunlap and Mary Yeager


-Where do you see the show going for the next episode?

I see the show taking a step up in quality. We have started planning ahead and already have most of the scripts done. In the first couple of weeks we kind of did it on the fly.


-Do you personally write the scripts for each show?

Yeah I write along with Josh [Sachnoff]. We work together and co-write.


-Which episode has been your favorite so far?

I really like, maybe because it was my experience, but I really liked episode one. I acted in that one and it was based on a party I went to where one of my friends claimed that the other friend took his jacket. It caused a big ordeal.


-Do most of the shows get their inspiration from awkward experiences of yours, or is that just a coincidence?

When I write, it is pretty much based on my life. I’m kind of an awkward person, but I also exaggerate for the sake of the show.


-As far as the future of the show goes, do you plan on having new characters sub in?

We do have a set list of people and are planning on using more of them. Up to this point it’s been mainly me and Christina [Landreville]. We are hoping to write a sketch for the four other girls too.


-Can you give us a sneak preview into the next episode?

The first sketch is based on another awkward experience of mine. The next one is a parody of the Super Bowl.


-We know the season finale is important. Do you have any big plans made for it yet?

We do have something big planned for the last week. For now we are keeping it a surprise!


Come see the newest episode of #OhSkit this Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Lawrence 177!

Inside the Mind of Blair Lindberg


A quick Q&A with the creator and producer of “The Lab”.

By: Bryan Cargill

1. How would you describe “The Lab”?

“The Lab” is a show that you really have to watch in order to pick up little clues in order to fully understand the deeper meanings of the show. On the surface, the show is very science fictional in the sense that it deals with the human evolution process. At its core, it is about evolving as a person and how the human condition really works. It is a very personal and emotional show because the characters are what drive the story.

2. How long have you been making videos for?

I have been making videos since I was 8. Growing up I watched a lot of videos of Chris Farley and swore I was going to be on SNL one day. But as time went on, I realized more and more how much fun film was and the way it can impact people’s thoughts. I became infatuated with getting a reaction or emotional response out of people. I have been in love with film ever since.

3. What inspired you to make this particular series – The Lab?

I have been thinking about this idea about how humans have always been the same and how we have never truly evolve in to what we can really become. So I decided to play with the idea of making a leap forward in evolution to try and see what the outcome would be. The human condition is so complex that I wanted a story to match that complexity but at the same time explain why we do the things we do.

4. What movies/ shows out there would you compare this to?

I guess if there was one movie I could really compare it to it would have to be Limitless with Bradley Cooper. That really opened up a world of ideas for me and I wanted to explore the idea of what it would be like to artificially enhance your mind and see what happens.

5. What do viewers have to look forward to?

Hopefully a very exciting show that will keep them guessing and on the edge of their seat. The stakes get higher and higher each week, so by the end you will be wondering how they are going to get away with all of this.

6. What words of advice you would give to new viewers and even current fans of the show?

They should re-watch the previous episode to pick up on clues so they can see what is really going on in the story.


Come see the latest episode of “The Lab” at Duck TV’s screening on Wednesday, February 20th at 8 p.m. in Lawrence 177! You don’t want to miss it!



Duck TV News and Sports Dedicated to Excellence

Teleprompters gearing up for this week’s segment.

By: Kate Gutierrez, Taylor Wilder and Carolyn Cruze

Photos By: Taylor Wilder

Welcome back UO Students! Here at Duck TV we hope you’ve had a wonderful break. Although the weather might be a little chilly, our news and sports segments are heating up faster than ever!

Each reporter and producer is working hard to keep up with the current news surrounding student life. “We usually look at relevance to students for a story,” said producer Emily Kirk. Her goal as a producer is to keep the student community informed with timeless stories that are significant to the student population. Although the format of the news never changers the stories do. “It’s fun not knowing what is going to happen,” said Kirk. She enjoys the real life spontaneity of news and the experience that each member of the team gains.

As for sports news with the basketball team ranked number ten in the AP Polls and the football team’s recent win in the Fiesta Bowl, sports is more than a big deal at the University of Oregon. Producer Preston Hiefield is excited to report on further athletic accomplishments here at the university. He feels as though Duck TV is making important changes to better the student-run network.

“Overall, the staff has a better understanding of what to get done on a weekly basis,” he said. “We also have a bigger online presence this year than last year. For example, we went to the Washington State basketball game and were able to put it on a blog [on the Duck TV website]. In years past, this game would not have been covered because the show airs on Wednesday night so it would have been old news.”

Sports reporter, McLean Cannon, handles mics on set.

Both the sports network and news network are facing new and different challenges.

“Studio production on Sundays is always a bit of a challenge,” Hiefield said. “There are about 15 staff members and everyone has different schedules. We also have to try and teach people while directing and balance all at the same time while trying to make the best show we can.”

Kirk has different challenges on the news network. “We can’t [always] find people who want to be interviewed for a story or who want to be filmed,” she explained. “You can’t have a news segment without outside opinion.” Despite these challenges, Duck TV strives to put out quality news.


Random Roommates: A Comedy for Everyone

By: Kelsey Thompson

John Goodwin and Derek Brown are the producers for Duck TV’s comedy/reality show satire “Random Roommates”. The show, which involves four main characters—all from different backgrounds —is the brainchild of writer, Conor Armor.

John and Derek met up with Conor, exchanged ideas, and then decided “Random Roommates” would make for a great show.

“Conor basically gives us a script and Derek and I handle all the stylistic stuff,” John said. “In terms of style, we draw influences from shows like Workaholics and The Office.”

John and Derek both joined Duck TV this quarter. Their friends, who were producers last year, successfully encouraged them to join. Although they are both new to Duck TV, they each have a solid amount of experience in filming, directing, and producing.

“I’ll have to give most of the credit to Derek and Conor,” John said. “They’ve done most of the planning to make this show come to fruition.”

“Random Roommates” is a bit unique compared to other shows Duck TV has seen thus far. The producers are pushing some boundaries and have some pretty bold things planned for episodes this term. The show is very relatable to college students. It mixes in some real life predicaments of college students like freshman awkwardness and being rejected.

“Our actors are very quick on their feet and some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths is outrageous,” says Derek.

The producers both agree that being on set is never dull.

“Having the camera on our actors and letting them ad-lib has been fantastic,” John said. “These dudes are seriously funny. To be honest, it’s difficult to keep from laughing behind the camera when they’re rambling on and on about super random topics.”

For the most part the crew has had a blast working on the show, but there have been a couple speed bumps along the way.

“The hardest part has been deciding the style in which we want to shoot,” John said. “Because of the script and the talent of our actors, we have the ability to take the show in multiple directions. Deciding on just one has been difficult. I guess this is a good problem to have, it could be worse.”

Derek agrees. “Cinematography has been somewhat of a hurdle in terms of faking a reality TV show,” he explained. “We just have to kind of put aside all that we have learned about shooting something, which can be hard when you’re not extremely experienced.”

John and Derek are really looking forward to seeing their show unfold throughout the season.

“The way our characters are going to develop throughout this season is going to be hilarious,” John said. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Be sure to come to Duck TV’s screenings every Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Lawrence 177!