Spring Show Pitches

With the end of the term fast approaching, the time for Show Pitches has rolled around once again.

Duck TV is looking for motivated students who have ideas for possible creative shows. On Tuesday and Wednesday of Week 10, the Executive Producers of Duck TV will hold open interviews with potential writers and producers. With every show pitch, they are looking for clear, coherent story ideas, an idea of the show structure, and a list of resources needed to make the show happen (actors, equipment, crew members, etc.). A rough draft of at least one episode is preferred, but not necessary.

Typically, creative shows are made up of four 5-7 minute episodes. In the past, students have produced comedies, sitcoms, dramas, music shows, and the list goes on. Shows produced on Duck TV air at weekly Duck TV screenings, as well as every Wednesday on the local public access network, Channel 23.

Whether it is your dream to produce your own television show or you simply think you have a great idea for one, come to Duck TV Spring Show Pitches Tuesday, March 11th and Wednesday, March 12th from 5-7PM in Allen Hall 332.