Eugene, ORE- The Princeton Review named the University of Oregon one of the greenest universities in the nation. In no particular order, The Princeton Review’s “Guide to 322 Green Campuses” lists the most environmentally friendly an conscious colleges in the nation. Other schools from Oregon that were named on the list were Oregon State University and Southern Oregon University.
On top of offering one of the most well-regarded Environmental Law programs in the country, the UO also has an impressive 56% recycling rate and 22% of the university’s energy comes from carbon neutral sources.
Chris Becker of the Sustainability Center has even higher hopes for the UO to be even more environmentally conscious in the future.
“The University of Oregon has a lot of room to improve and grow,” Becker said. “We, for example have a climate action plan that says we are going to be carbon neutral by 2050.”
Craig Garcia, DuckTV News