Eugene, Ore.– The May special election is approaching. One issue Eugene residence will be voting on is a city income tax. Measure 20-211 would have households pay a $10 fee to city services. The money would go toward funding such services as firefighters, police, and libraries.
Mayor Kitty Piercy is knocking on doors in Eugene neighborhoods to help rally support behind the ballot issue. Piercy says city services like the library help support struggling families in the Eugene community.
“When you’re in a rough time and your family is having a hard time affording anything, that is the very time you need a library that you can use. This comes from a very honest place. A place of ‘yes, we won’t die if we don’t have these services, but we’ll be a much poorer community’”.
Piercy plans to continue her door-to-door campaign until the May 21st vote.
Watch the video here.
Christina Kempster, Web Reporter
The mayor’s cookie-cutter answers have expired. She refuses to get-off her beaten trail and answer objective question. Her debate style is to read scripted rhetoric, then stone-wall any questions. It is evident she is only lobbing for more public money, its not about the services, that is just an excuse. Vote No on the fee, measure 20-211.