#OhSkit is At It Again


Producer Jared Breedlove gives the inside scoop on his sketch comedy show

By: Shelby Dunlap and Mary Yeager


-Where do you see the show going for the next episode?

I see the show taking a step up in quality. We have started planning ahead and already have most of the scripts done. In the first couple of weeks we kind of did it on the fly.


-Do you personally write the scripts for each show?

Yeah I write along with Josh [Sachnoff]. We work together and co-write.


-Which episode has been your favorite so far?

I really like, maybe because it was my experience, but I really liked episode one. I acted in that one and it was based on a party I went to where one of my friends claimed that the other friend took his jacket. It caused a big ordeal.


-Do most of the shows get their inspiration from awkward experiences of yours, or is that just a coincidence?

When I write, it is pretty much based on my life. I’m kind of an awkward person, but I also exaggerate for the sake of the show.


-As far as the future of the show goes, do you plan on having new characters sub in?

We do have a set list of people and are planning on using more of them. Up to this point it’s been mainly me and Christina [Landreville]. We are hoping to write a sketch for the four other girls too.


-Can you give us a sneak preview into the next episode?

The first sketch is based on another awkward experience of mine. The next one is a parody of the Super Bowl.


-We know the season finale is important. Do you have any big plans made for it yet?

We do have something big planned for the last week. For now we are keeping it a surprise!


Come see the newest episode of #OhSkit this Wednesday at 8 p.m. in Lawrence 177!