Egan Warming Center Assists Transient Community

Eugene, Ore.– Compared to last winter, Eugene weather has been significantly colder. With temperatures in the low forties and mid- thirties the local transient community is looking for relief from the freezing temperatures.The Egan Warming Center is a coalition of community members representing service providers, non profit agencies, faith and social justice groups and local government.In Lane County they provide six overnight shelters, as well as two over flow locations, that open its doors to the transient population when the temperature drops below thirty degrees.

The centers are made available in mid-November and open when needed until the end of March. They typically serve 200 to 275 people on any given night they have to open.

When the centers open their doors they also provide high calorie meals to the homeless population for breakfast and dinner.

The county allocates the majority of funding for the Egan Center and then community members donate money and man power to make this service operational.

With temperatures in the mid-20s for most of January, the center remained open more consecutive nights than any stretch since December 2010.

Check out the video: Egan Warming Center