Eugene, Oregon
After a revision from the Oregon Legislature’s mandatory reporting law, all University of Oregon faculty are required to report any incident that involves a victim of abuse or sexual assault. The revision of the law comes after last year’s Penn State debacle that involved sexual abuse.
University of Oregon’s Police Department Public Information Officer, Kelly McIver says that the revision of the law is to better clarify that it is imperative for university faculty not to hesitate with reporting to officials. He says that faculty members of the school have an important responsibility to keep the school as safe as it possibly can. It’s important for faculty to look out for anything that could hinder someone’s safety at the university.
Faculty members agree that it is apart of their responsibility to keep the school safe, but some are worried that the student’s trust in them will be affected, knowing now that not everything they say to them can be kept private. There are worries that just because the incident was reported quickly, doesn’t mean that it will still be handled as delicately.
Craig Garcia, Duck TV News.