Party Ordinance Up For Debate At City Council

An issue under the spotlight is Eugene’s new measure. The ordinance will try to reign in out of control parties that are negatively affecting Eugene neighborhoods.

The ordinance that was brought to the City Council this past may went through revisions during the summer, and was revisited last week. It would be a citywide crackdown, but it comes in response to parties in neighborhoods around Eugene.

If there was a gathering of five or people with alcohol, and there were two additional offenses, such as a minor in possession or noise complaint, this would result in a violation and the students would have to pay a fine.

Property manager Gordon Anslow believes that this ordnance might be just the thing to get students to behave more responsibly. He said, “They need to grow up and if some fines coming their way from the city helps them along the way, then I think that’s probably a good thing.”

However, with the current language of the measure, property owners might also be fined if multiple violations occur at a specific location under their management. The original proposed fine for students was $500, but this was deemed to high a price for them to pay. Sarah Reiter, a UO senior, said, “Students don’t have that kind of money and the fines obviously aren’t doing anything. I don’t think the punishment of finding someone is going to make them not have another party.”

A public hearing will be held on November 19 to allow further discussion of the ordinance and the City Council is expected to vote on the measure by this December.