Why Did The Student Cross The Road?

Student safety on campus is a concern, especially when it comes to problems between pedestrians and drivers. Many students who walk to class are confused about the laws related to jay-walking and whether or not they have the right of way. Adam Lillengreen, UOPD officer, said, “In the city of Eugene, jay-walking is defined as failing to cross the street at a right angle.” Crossing the street at a 45 degree angle or less could cause a hazardous situation, resulting in a ticket. As long as pedestrians follow the 90 degree rule, it’s legal not to use a crosswalk. Yet, Lillengreen continued, “Generally speaking, pedestrians have the right of way whenever they’re at a crosswalk. That crosswalk doesn’t necessarily have to be marked.” If someone decides to cross the street at 90 degrees, cars legally have the right of way but it’s not technically illegal. Students should always be aware of their surroundings in order to safely cross any street.