Oregon’s Obesity Dilemma

The Oregon Health Authority recently reported that 60% of Oregonians are overweight. The state of Oregon has seen a 121% increase in obesity since 1990. These statistics raise the question what can students do to counteract these growing numbers? Health Center dietician Jessica Wilson says that one simple change can lead to many health benefits: eating breakfast. Eating breakfast everyday has health benefits that last throughout life and the older we get, the more important it becomes. In addition to incorporating breakfast into their diet, students should be conscious of what they’re eating during the day at school. Stress has been noted to lead to poor dietary decisions, and Wilson comments that people tend to reach for a sugary snack to power through the next couple hours of studying.

Along with a well-balanced diet, fitness is crucial to maintaining healthy weight and in most cases, 3-5 days of exercise a week is encouraged. “That just can mean walking to class, fifteen minutes to class fifteen minutes back, getting a little extra walk in, ten minutes here, ten minutes there,” says Wilson. With these numbers continuing to grow, it’s important that students maintain a healthy lifestyle through fitness and colorful dieting. Resources for maintaining healthy weight are available at the Health Center and Student Recreational Center.