Despite the recent warm weather, more than a few University of Oregon students have been under the weather. Springtime often brings thoughts of sunshine, budding trees, and blooming flowers, but for those suffering from allergies, spring also ushers in a severe case of the sniffles. As Willamette Valley claims the title of grass seed capitol of the world, there is no shortage of allergy triggers. Due to the geography of Willamette Valley, and Eugene in particular, even those who have not had issues with allergies before could find themselves in a sneezing fit.
Just because it is allergy season, however, does not mean students have to suffer. Aside from the option of self-treatment, the Health Center offers valuable resources including an allergy clinic. “Don’t be afraid to talk to a pharmacist, talk to your doctor, or go by the clinic,” says pharmacy manager Gregg Wendland, “we’re all here to make sure you make it through your classes.” With the Health Center here to help, you no longer have to suffer through springtime allergies.